Data for your donation

Official name organization

Haarlemmermeer Museum De Cruquius is registered as ANBI on the website and with the enumeration of the information below it complies with the digital publication obligation attached to this status. Legal entities and partnerships Information number (RSIN) 005207459

Contact details

Haarlemmermuseum De Cruquius (office location)

Cruquiusdijk 27

2142 ER Cruquius

Telephone 023 5285704


Chamber of Commerce 41222705

IBAN: NL64 ABNA 0560815093


The purpose of the foundation:

To promote interest in knowledge of the history of Haarlemmermeer and the development of the water system in the Netherlands, in particular with regard to the polder system and the associated drainage systems.

The acquisition of museums and other (exhibition) spaces in which the cultural, cultural-historical and industrial heritage of Haarlemmermeer is presented, researched and archived.

Promoting the preservation of historically important matters in Haarlemmermeer, in the broadest sense of the word.

Promoting the study of local history and the (digital) recording of found data in deeds, newspapers, image and sound carriers, articles and book form.

Tracing, collecting (owned or on loan) and exhibiting objects, texts and images that relate to the history of Haarlemmermeer and water management in the Netherlands and that already have (museum) value or will have in the future.

Developing and taking care of educational projects.

Promoting a good living, recreational and cultural atmosphere in Haarlemmermeer.

Composition and names of the directors

Director/Director Dr. Elise van Melis

Supervisory Board

Mr Pieter van de Stadt - Chairman

Mr Vincent Audiffred - Secretary

Erik-Jan van Emmerik - treasurer

Mart Pfeiffer

Nicole Mulder

The Supervisory Board members do not receive any remuneration.

Google Grands

"Stichting Haarlemmermeermuseum De Cruquius ontvangt een Google Ad Grants award. Het Google Ad Grants programma ondersteunt geregistreerde non-profit organisaties die Google's filosofie van maatschappelijke dienstverlening delen om de wereld te helpen op gebieden als wetenschap en technologie, onderwijs, wereldwijde volksgezondheid, het milieu, jeugdbelangenbehartiging en de kunsten. Google Ad Grants is een advertentieprogramma in natura dat gratis online reclame toekent aan non-profitorganisaties via Google AdWords".